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Adjetey Anang launches book as he clocks 50


Adjetey Anang launches book as he clocks 50

In the season’s books, Ghanaian actor Adjetey Anang has joined the train of authors in the industry.

The book is an authored life story of the ace actor intended to share his life experiences and professional values and characters that moulded his career and personality while growing up to mark his 50th birthday.

The actor believes documenting his life in a book will inspire and serve as a guide for younger folks who aspire to be great to make rightful life choices in building up themselves.

Mr Adjetey Anang

The launch of the book saw A-list industry players from the creative art space, business space, and politics all gather to support an honourable colleague.

The ‘things we do for Love’ actor hinted that his foundation ‘One in a Million will venture into a ten-year project to support women and children to get quality healthcare.

Adjetey Anang joins colleague actors Juliet Ibrahim and Yvonne Nelson who have all documented their lives in writing.

Actress Yvonne Nelson recently released her memoir titled ‘I am Not Yvonne Nelson’ which sparked online conversation after some shocks of revelations in the book.

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