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Vic Mensa  to provide Clean Water to Over 200k People in Ghana


Vic Mensa  to provide Clean Water to Over 200k People in Ghana

Vic Mensa  to provide Clean Water to Over 200k People in Ghana

Vic Mensa is Planning to Bring Clean Water to Over 200k People in Ghana


In response to the ongoing situation, Mensa has built a borehole in the area. Boreholes are simple manual pumps that provide fresh and clean water but are scarce in many countries across Africa.

The first successful borehole structure was completed in Koforidua, an eastern region in Southern Ghana with a population of 200,000 people. With the success of Koforidua in 2022, Mensa decided to expand the vision and continue building more Boreholes in the city of Effiduase and Amedzope, a village in the mountainous Volta region.

While speaking about the project, Mensa talked about the impact that contaminated water has had on people in several Ghanaian communities.

“We’re building 3 Boreholes in different communities in Ghana to provide clean drinking water; the first being the Asokore Zongo in Koforidua where my family lives, which is already built,” Mensa said. “The other locations are a nearby community called Efiduase and then our ancestral village in the Volta Region Amedzope. Most people in communities like this in Ghana experience constant waterborne diseases.”

The cost of installing boreholes can cost upwards of $15,000, and some of the money will be generated from the Black Star Line Festival in Accra . The festival will feature Mensa, Chance the Rapper, Erykah BaduT-Pain, Jeremih, SarkodieTobe NwigweAsakaa Boys and M.anifest.

Mensa has always paid homage to his African roots, his SKINS + MASKS, presented by Kavi Gupta Gallery in Chicago, opened up in June 2022, and features art pieces by a collective of visual artists from the diaspora.


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